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The ways we can improve the lives of others

Sponsor an event or series

Click here to contact the Dubai Divots Captain to sponsor either a whole golf event or simply a single novelty prize, and choose an amount to donate to Gulf for Good by supporting prizes

Become a volunteer

Gulf for Good arranges for corporations to get involved in skill specific Volunteer Challenges with their international charity projects.

Click here to discover exactly how to get involved

Corporate Sponsorship

The Dubai Divots seek to form unique relationships with corporations and organisations where the funding of prizes and donations, with a percentage or a set amount of your choice, goes to charity. This will allow you to benefit from marketing and social media exposure.


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Being involved could be as simple as finding a sponsor, helping the Divots team organise a golf day, or putting some spare cash into the charity kitty...

Its totally up to you..

We know you lead busy lives, with families and work to juggle, but once you do something, no matter how large or small, it counts, it really counts and at the same time.. you get a bit of humbleness in the knowing that you did something for others... 

After all...... you "are" a Dubai Divot.... !



It does not matter how big or small you think you can contribute to our charity programs... every dirham counts, each dirham gives opportunity for a child, somewhere, somehow, to benefit from your more privileged position in life..

because that's what we are.. privileged,

we live here in a mostly tax free environment, with what to most is seen as a luxury lifestyle... no need to feel guilty, no need to ponder about what you can do, because when you become a member of the Dubai Divots, and you attend any of our events, either directly or indirectly, you will be a contributor for the better of a child who needs support.. 


Gulf for Good is a UK based charity and a Not for Profit Organization working out of Dubai, under the governing body of International Humanitarian City. Since 2001 Gulf for Good has raised almost USD 5 million for 63 charity projects in 30 countries helping over 33,300 children in underprivileged communities around the world. Click here to find out more on our website 

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