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Wed Trump Par3 playlist 21st

It's the final night of our first 8 week series sponsored by

HL Group.. Mike Gopal

and so we are expecting good turnout....

We have roughly 6 contenders.. each playing for the top spot.. the winner receiving a new Golf Bag from our sponsor...

And for the 2nd and 3rd places.. there will be gift vouchers from Optimal Golf Performance, Trackman Sessions.. courtesy of John Denman.... who has donated 25 vouchers..

thanks John..

PLEASE bring your 50aed for the Mulligans

Please also bring 200aed cash if you have yet to pay for your new shirt

Please also bring 50aed if you played on Saturday and did not pay me...

Remember we support Gulf for Good and our first main payment is going to them next week at over 12,000 aed... 👌

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