The race to winning the best of 4 from 8 is starting to show its consistency that will win the day.. John Denman slips into the lead... But its not too late to catch him up.. however.. you have to be in it to win it.....
Thanks again to our sponsor for our Wednesday series... HL Group.. Mike Gopal...
Sign up for next Wednesday.. at the Trump Par 3 .. its a fun event and you can inflict a reverse mulligan on your opponents.. use one yourself.. and enjoy Dubai's best Par3 course.....
Visit the events page on our website and register for 17th JA Resort GC.. and also the Majlis in July and coming soon.. AlHamra, RAK in August.. Al Torah in September...AlAin in October ... and then YasLinks.... Dubai Hills.... Earth Course ... Let's face it... its fun to be a Dubai Divot...
And while we are enjoying ourselves.. we are also supporting Gulf for Good and children in need around the globe....
Captain. ABC...