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Play List Ranches 19th Sunday 11am onwards divots

Please see the play list for this coming Sunday at the Arabian Ranches..

STOP PRESS..... an additional prize has been kindly donated by INTEGRITY PRODUCT SOLUTIONS... this will be for the Straightest Drive ...

So we now have .. 10 prizes... plush Captains reward for this time "not driving past the ladies tee" on any hole... !

Not bad a for a society that has no joining fee's, no sub's for prizes ....

Obviously there will be a delay between finishers... so do not forget that prizes are only given to those who stay for the prize giving.. we try to make it as quickly as possible.. so please enjoy the clubs refreshments while the later players come in..... thanks..

WATER BOTTLES. I still have a car boot full of them..... please collect your named bottle courtesy of No More Bottles...

SHIRTS... the saga re shirts is nearly over.... hopefully good news by Sunday...


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