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Par3. series 2 .. we have a new leader

Wednesday 2nd August was the fifth week of our second series at the Par3 Trump

The weather was good despite the time of year and although we had a few last minute drop outs due to work commitments, we all had a great evening...

these mid week series are proving great fun...

With a big orange moon shining down on us, the average score was a bit higher than normal although the winning line was 19 points by ... guess who... ?

Yup ..John Denman, Mr consistent, despite not having a back swing.. 😂

With only two weeks to go

who will be our second series winner

Sponsored by HL Global, Mike Gopal

The series winner will carry away....

I need to pull my socks up.... I currently need a new sports bag. !

If you want to join us next Wednesday evening at the Trump Par3.. please message or email

and do not forget to bring 50aed for your mulligans ( x1 reverse 😳 )

Each Week .. Winner gets a box of balls.. NTP wins an Optima Voucher

1/4 handicap.. Stableford best score

ALSO. please sign up for our next monthly main event at the CREEK. 20th August, SUNDAY. Go to the events page on our website to sign up..

That's all for this blog... here are a few pics from this weeks par3...

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