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its a Win win with the Divots...

The Dubai Divots are proud to announce that ProHyatt Autos are our sponsors for our 16th July. The Earth Course..

7.30am shotgun.. 350aed. register NOW.. great prizes...

"Pro Hyatt auto repair service, is the most comprehensive and state of the art car repair workshop for most modern high end car models. Our highly skilled technical team and staff caters to all your vehicle facing issues with 20 years experience and expertise. You can make sure that your car problems will be solved in a very professional approach. Plus we are one of the only workshops giving "up to date, real time video reports" during the repair process. Our customers can see the actual recorded replacement of parts and view their old damaged auto parts after every completed service, or maintenance repairs. Honesty and transparency are our main company values, so as to provide the highest quality service to all our clients. We go the extra mile to make sure we make every customers visit a pleasant and happy experience, and worthy to share with family and friends". Edward... GM..

ProHyatt Autos recently refurbished my old X Type, rebuilding the engine, drivetrain, suspension and a whole lot more...not quite a vintage yet, but at 17 years old she is not looking bad...


ProHyatt autos are sponsoring the 16th July and have also agreed to sponsor further events in the next 12 months, including a major event in the winter... so you can expect some special prizes for any event that they sponsor, and we welcome them to our 'sponsors club'... Thanks go in advance to Edward, GM of ProHyatt autos... check them out....and do not forget to mention that you are a Dubai Divots Golf Society Member...

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